Marios pingas
Marios pingas

marios pingas

They shoot some at Swag and Mario tells him to watch out. SMG3, SMG4, and Mario have been holding in their pee for the entirety of the battle with Zero.

marios pingas

Wham Shot: The aliens arrive once again to attack everything with their doors. a cop scene mario PINGASCANDEH All Categories Try SketchUp 3D Model.Training from Hell: Ever since the last incident, the entirety of the male members of the military have been slamming their balls in doors to ensure they would be numb to the pain the next time the aliens attacked.

marios pingas

Took a Level in Badass: After the last pingas incident, the military trained themselves to survive having doors slam on their pingases for so long that they don't just have Balls of Steel, they have Balls of Freaking Titanium.Here, they attack everyone-including Mario-for no apparent reason other than because Mario got his pingas stuck in another door. Sudden Sequel Heel Syndrome: In the last "PINGAS" episode, the aliens just targeted the military to get back at Swag for pranking them, and they were kind enough to get Mario's wiener unstuck as thanks for giving them inspiration for a new weapon.Mario Vzquez project staff member asked her husband to eject her. Suddenly Speaking: The alien leader had no text dialogue in the first "Pingas stuck in door" video, but now does in this one. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. She declared them lazy pingas paradas (erect penises) who stood up and screwed.Shout-Out: At 3:59, Kirby can be heard saying “OH MAH GAH!”.

Marios pingas serial#

  • Serial Escalation: Continuing the trend of “episodes with specific titles where a normal-ish situation involving Mario spirals into total nonsense”.

  • Marios pingas